31st March 2020

10 Minute Easy Home Workout For Home Workers

This is a great home workout to try whilst you’re working from home. You don’t need much time or equipment so give this a go and let us know how you do.

In more detail:


Squats are a great exercise for the whole body. Most specifically they target the lower body including the quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. Like all strength exercises, they create an anabolic environment which promotes muscle building, improving muscle mass in the target area. They’re also a great exercise to burn fat. When trying them for the first time, start out easy and use a chair for support if needed. Once you get into squats, you won’t want to stop. Squats are one of the best bodyweight moves in existence.


Stationary lunges target your glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings. Like squats, they’re great for people wanting to strengthen their entire body whilst improving overall fitness and enhancing athletic ability.

Push Up

Push-ups will build upper body strength. They target the biceps, triceps, pectorals, and deltoids. They’re also great at engaging the core.

Chair Dip

Chair dips mainly target the tricep muscle group of the arms. They are a great exercise that challenges your upper body strength.


The plank is one of the best exercises for the entire body and great in a home workout.  The plank targets the core as well as all the main muscle groups.

Check out more Home Workouts.

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Fitlink is a unique platform to help your people succeed – in business and in life. Our main products – Learn, Inspire and Thrive will help your employees love where they work.

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