1st April 2020

The Importance of Sleep for Home Workers

The divide between work and life is more important than ever if you want to sleep well. Getting your work life balance right is vital. Here are some tips for home workers:

Switch off at the end of the day

At then end of your working day draw the line between work and life by winding down. For home workers perhaps do something creative or go out for some fresh air in the hours where you’d otherwise be commuting home from an office. This will trick your brain into thinking that you’re coming home, and it will help you to de-stress in the process. 20 minutes can make a huge difference between you switching off for the evening and not. Ideas like walking for 20 minutes or playing some music can get your mind into a more relaxed place so you can come back even more productive after you switch off.

Maintain good sleep hygiene

Don’t tech your emails before bed and try to keep technology away from you, especially in the few hours leading up to bedtime. This will keep your mind and body in balance and help you to wind down before getting to sleep. Checking emails in the hours before bed will disrupt sleep and impact the performance of your next working day. Keep technology away from you and keep your brain calm and away from distraction before heading to bed.

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