1st July 2021

We’ve Got Stamina: The Perks Of Working Out Like A Boxer.

The trick to completing your journey to fit, healthy and inspired is to find the movement and exercise that you really begin to enjoy. Working out doesn’t have to be a drag. So we’re always interested in learning more about forms of movement and exercise that we may not have considered before. Why not? You may just find something that really rocks your world.

Here’s what Maral Papazian from Nazo Boxing had to share with us:

How to workout like a boxer.

Why would you want to train like a boxer?

Why not? Even if you don’t intend to go on a match inside the ring, you can benefit from a workout routine that incorporates some of the most intense and effective exercises.

Here’s a quick guide on how to work out like a boxer.

What Constitutes a Boxer Workout?

Boxing workouts are some of the toughest there are. Since this sport utilizes all major muscle groups, it adapts a well-rounded approach to exercising. That said, your routine will include upper and lower body workouts. You will also be pushing your body to its limits, all the time.

Typically, training sessions of boxers include:

Strength and Conditioning

Whether you’re training to become a boxer or you simply want to get in better shape, the fundamentals of fitness remain the same.
That includes gaining strength. If you want to improve your strength, your workout routine should include weight training exercises. Boxers do weight lifting too so it’s a great idea to invest in several pairs of dumbells that give you a bit of a challenge.

Punching Bag Work

Bag drills are a major part of your workout routine. After all, it’s boxing so you will have to work on your punches.
Boxers can do without expensive gym equipment, but they can never do without a boxing bag. So make sure you get a good one in case you plan to train at home by yourself.
You will have to master how to throw punches (jabs, cross, and hooks) and it’s easiest to do this on the bag.

Cardio and Endurance

The reason why boxing workouts are so effective is that they incorporate short bursts of high-intensity cardio exercises
HIIT workouts usually last for ten to thirty minutes. That may be short but once you get to it, these exercises will push you to your limits. 
High-intensity interval training can include different exercises but the key is to take short breaks in between.

Boxing exercises for women.

A boxer works hard on improving stamina. Spending at least five minutes training on the speed bag three times a week is one way to boost your stamina and become stronger.

Plus, it helps you burn fats too. When you hit the speed bag, your body burns a significant amount of calories compared to other forms of cardio.

What’s more, it’s a lot more fun. Over time, you will become faster, stronger, and fitter. You will also develop accuracy and timing when throwing punches, which are crucial to enhancing your boxing skills.

The Best Workouts When Training Like a Boxer

When you train like a fighter, you will begin to love the exercises you used to avoid. Such workouts are extremely exhausting and challenging, but at the same time, they are remarkably effective in developing your strength, punching power, endurance, and agility.

  1. Burpees

    Burpees could be one of the hardest exercises but are one of the best. By doing burpees, you are increasing your strength and endurance. That’s because they target your entire body.

  2. Shadow Boxing

    By doing shadow boxing, you practice your movement and footwork. It’s a great way to build up that much-needed ‘muscle memory’ as it lets you focus on your form and techniques.

  3. Push-ups

    These are awesome because they give you stronger arms, shoulders, chest, and core muscles which you need to deliver powerful punches.

  4. Squats

    Doing squats regularly will strengthen your legs and glutes. You might think that boxers only focus on their upper body, but actually, they get much of their force and power from their lower body.

  5. Core Exercises

    Boxers need a strong core to increase their strength and keep throwing punches. Sit-ups, curls, bridge, leg raises, and Superman pulls are among the best core workouts you can try.

Sample Boxing Workout Plan

Now that you know what types of workouts boxers do, it’s time for the action!

Check out this sample boxing workout plan:

Boxing exercises for men.


  • 10 minutes jump rope
  • 20 squats
  • 20 pushups
  • 40 crunches

Punching Workouts

Do jab, cross, bob, and weave. Check out the detailed steps for each of these boxing movements. Do 10 reps in a row as quickly as you can on each side.


For this exercise, it’s best to use a heavy bag or shadow box if you don’t have one. Punching combos can include jab, cross, lead hook, rear hook, double jab, and cover. Spend at least five minutes on this drill. You can start with these basic boxing combinations:

  • 1-2 (Jab-Right cross)
  • 1-1-2 (Jab-Jab-Cross)
  • 1-2-3 (Jab-Cross-Left hook)
  • 1-2-3-2 (Jab-Cross-Hook-Cross)
  • 2-3-2 (Right cross-Left hook-Right cross)
  • 1-6-3-2 (Jab-Right uppercut-Left hook-Right hand)
  • 1-2-5-2 (Jab-Cross-Left uppercut-Cross)

HIIT Training (two-three times a week)

You can incorporate interval training into just about any part of your boxing workout routine. You don’t have to do it every day. Two or three times a week is enough.

Mountain Climber – 40 seconds

Rest – 10 seconds

Plyo Push-ups – 40 seconds

Rest – 10 seconds

Russian Twists – 40 seconds

Single-Leg Burpees

Rest – 10 seconds

Supermans with Lateral Raises – 40 seconds

Rest – 10 seconds

Lateral Lunges with Hops – 40 seconds

Tuck-Ups – 40 seconds

Rest – 10 seconds

Plank Jacks – 40 seconds

Rest – 10 seconds

Squat Thrusts – 40 seconds

Rest – 10 seconds

Plank-Ups – 40 seconds

Rest – 10 seconds

Star Jumps – 40 seconds

Rest – 10 seconds

You can vary the exercises in this HIIT routine. The most important thing is you have very little rest in between each.

Training Like A Boxer Has Its Perks.

Training like a boxer can be tough, intense, and tremendously challenging. However, it’s one of the best ways to get fitter, stronger, and healthier. And since workouts are diverse, you will surely have a lot of fun with them.

And don’t forget to track your activity on Fitlink to set goals, smash some challenges and win your exclusive rewards.

People doing stretches and exercises..